07 July 2013

YG的隐喻——“Love Song”,并非只是一首情歌

YG的隐喻——“Love Song”,并非只是一首情歌

  这篇主要分析分析love song的mv,一直觉得yg公司很了不起的,能在一个既定的环境里,坚持自身特立独行的价值观并以此取得巨大的成功,有点苹果公司的意味……闲话少述。
  ps:后附本文英文版……(我自己都觉得自己好闲- -)
  BB“Love Song”的MV是一部非常有艺术质感的MV,我个人感觉仅从拍摄画面或歌词字面的意思去理解它的涵义似乎还远远不够。
  最初引起我注意的是路标“kostel p. marie”,既布拉格的泰恩教堂(又称魔鬼教堂)。令人好奇的是它和其他的路标不同,刚一出现在画面时就十分醒目,字迹清晰可辨,同时也是整个MV的分割点,之后的镜头随即开始镜像反转。
  (TOP)一个女人离开了 男人虽然唱着歌
  (大成)我知道无法触碰到你 I know yeah eh
  请抓住正在坠落的我 hello
  (GD)I hate this love song..I hate this love song..
  I hate this love song I hate this love song..X2
  (太阳)我讨厌这首情歌 再也不会唱起
  ——“love song”这个词,大概代表了他们对自己心中倾慕的“缪斯”的爱,为她所唱的情歌。因为所追求的理想迟迟无法实现而感到“hate”,想要逃避现实,认为忘记曾经的梦想才不会感到痛苦。
  在这一段画面中,BIGBANG的前方出现很多“Police Not Cross”(警方提示:切勿越线)的丝带标示,并且出现了警方用于拦截的障碍物。于是他们聚在被划定的区域内跳舞,这里象征着他们在追求梦想的道路上受到了诸多限制和约束,只能“戴着镣铐起舞”。
  (胜利)我讨厌这首情歌 笑着歌唱
  让你不再孤单 现在向你而去的我
  Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh-hoo
  (GD)我很害怕 这个世界毫无意义
  (大成)我们曾那样美好 you know
  教会我如何去爱的你 hello
  (太阳)I hate this love song..I hate this love song..
  I hate this love song..I hate this love song..
  (GD)I hate this love song..I hate this love song..
  I hate this love song..I hate this love song..
  (太阳)我讨厌这首情歌 再也不会唱起
  ——在接下来的这个镜头,画面左边的木牌上写着“fuel entrance”,而龙右侧的废墟底下有块牌子,上面写的则是“road closed”(由于有烟雾看得不是特别清楚,大家可以回去看视频)。
  “fuel entrance”这块牌子在整部MV画面中反复出现,字面上的意思是“加油站入口”,但“entrance”除了表示“入口处”,也有“使……着迷/神魂颠倒”的意思。感觉这两个词放在一起是一语双关,暗指他们在追求音乐梦想时一直充满着能量和激情。
  而“road closed”是车祸时关闭现场道路的指示牌,但是再仔细看这个画面,一边是“fuel entrance”,一边是“road closed”,中间是龙,表情十分忧怨地唱着“I hate this love song..”,然后绕开了他身前的破汽车(障碍物),后面的太阳接着他继续唱“我讨厌这首情歌 再也不会唱起 我会忘记你再也不会想起……”
  那么这个“road closed”,是否也可以理解为他们在前进的道路上遇到的种种障碍、挫折?虽然他们都充满了热情,但是现实却是——“前路关闭”。
  在那翠绿的小山坡上 我和她依然未完成的对话
  你会躲在那白云下吧 你会成为天上的星星吧
  虽然他们还面临重重困难—— “毫无回应,毫无表情”,不过,他们确信“缪斯”一定就在白云下,像星星一样存在着。
  (GD)闭上眼睛感受你的气息 潜进你的梦境
  我嘴边荡开的微笑 现在我和你共同呼吸
  时间啊停止吧 让我和她永不分离
  风啊停止吧 这是我寄给你的最后一封信
  (太阳)我讨厌这首情歌 再也不会唱起
  (胜利) 我讨厌这首情歌 笑着歌唱
  让你不再孤单 现在向你而去的我
  Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh-hoo
  从天而降的汽车,和之前指引TOP的车灯相互呼应,同时也是“魔鬼教堂”路牌指着的方向——圣经中的陨石是上帝给人类的“天兆”,“ The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky... ...第三个天使吹响了他的号角,一颗巨大的星星(伟大的明星),像燃烧的火炬,从天而降...” (Revelation 8:10) 《启示录8:10》。
  【English Version】
  YG’s metaphor: “Love Song” is not only a love song
  【Analysis of “Love Song” MV from China VIP: We are always here to be your backup. --by FullQueen in China, Beijing --2011/4/17】
  The music video of BigBang’s new song “Love song” is really elegant, chic with artistic temperament. Personally, I feel that only enjoy it for the scenes and lyric are far from enough.
  First, the signpost “Kostel p. Marie” draws my attention. This church is also known as the devil church. Unlike other signposts in this video, it appears in the scene prominently, eye-catching, with legible handwriting. And it’s also the dividing point of the video. After that, the camera lens has mirror reversals immediately.
  I think the image of devil church is the key to understand the real meaning of this video.
  Back to this mv, we may understand it like this: “she” in the lyric doesn’t refer to a real woman, but “Muse” in YG or BIGBANG’s mind. In other words, “she” is the pursuit of their “music ideal”, their “initial feeling and passion”(초심) to make music.
  Now let’s watch this video again.
  (TOP) a woman left though a man is still singing
  Tears for this departure
  (D-Lite) I know I cannot touch you, I know yeah eh
  Please grab me who has been away, hello
  -- The lyrics show the infinite pain in man’s heart, “Man” refers to BIGBANG. They feel sorry and sad because they are “lost” in reality; they lose their “Muse” and leave her away. Although they are still singing, they know they have deviated from the initial dream and direction, so they have to say farewell to their goddess “Muse” helplessly.
  (GD)I hate this love song.. I hate this love song..
  I hate this love song I hate this love song..X2
  (SOL) I hate this love song and will never sing it again
  I will let you go, forget you and never remember again
  -- The phrase “love song” represents their true love for “Muse” in heart, which is the connection between them and “Muse”. Because they can’t fulfill their music dream for quite a long time, they begin to “hate this love song”. They want to escape from cruel reality, and think the only way to feel less pain is to forget it.
  In these scenes, many ribbons of “Police Not Cross” (Police require: don't Cross the line) appears in front of BIGBANG, and there are road obstacles to stop them. So they gather around in this restrained area and begin to dance. This scene signifies their pursuit of music dreams is under strict restrictions and constraint, so they are dancing with chains.
  (VI) I hate this love song, sing it with a smile
  now I won’t let you feel lonely any more
  Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh - hoo
  (GD) I'm so afraid, this world is meaningless
  Take me to the place where you are, with stars and the moon
  -- After the dance, we can see the next screen, when G-Dragon sing his lyric, he gradually walks out of the restrained area alone. According to his past experiences, we all know what this scene means. GD has always been a sensitive artist with a real pure heart. He always persists in his “Muse” without evil thoughts, but he was often under many blistering attacks for “breaking the rules” or “crossing the police line”. He probably suffered a lot and felt confused by people’s misunderstanding and distortion, so he sings “I am afraid, take me to the place where you are, with stars and the moon ”—what a sentimental scene!
  (D-Lite) we used to be so wonderful, you know
  You teach me how to love, hello
  (SOL) I hate this love song..I hate this love song..
  I hate this love song..I hate this love song..
  -- These lyrics reflect their inner struggle and repeated hesitation in minds. Under the guidance of “Muse”, they entered music world; “Muse” is so pure and wonderful, while the realities in this world always have no meaning. They don't really want to give up, still yearn for their music ideal strongly.
  But after all, dream and reality is different, so there are full of contradictions and struggles in their minds.
  (GD)I hate this love song..I hate this love song..
  I hate this love song..I hate this love song..
  (SOL) I hate this love song and will never sing it again
  I will let you go, forget you and never remember again
  -- In the next scene, the board on the left side written “Fuel Entrance” and under the ruins on GD’s right, there is another board written “Road Closed”.
  The board “Fuel Entrance” often appears in this video. Its literally means “the entrance of gas station”, but “entrance” also means “they make you give them all your attention because they are so beautiful, interesting…”as a verb, so I think this phrase also implies they are full of energy and passion on their way to fulfill music dreams.
  Now let’s watch this scene: with “Fuel Entrance” on left side and “Road Closed” on right side, while GD is in the middle, singing “I hate this love song…”with a sad look on face and then went around a broken car (obstacles), and SOL continued to sing “(SOL) I hate this love song and will never sing it again , I will let you go, forget you and never remember again...”
  So the sign “Road Closed”, it may also implies the obstacles and frustration on their way of music dreams. Although they always work very hard with enormous enthusiasm, the reality is “the road is closed, you can’t go through”.
   (TOP) under warm sunshine reeds dancing lightly in another world
  In that green hillside I still have an unfinished dialogue with her
  The sky has no response nor expression
  You may hide behind the clouds like stars in the sky
  -- Next scene, concluding a crane shot and a follow shot of TOP, is one of my favorite parts in this video.
  In this scene, the lamplight, which comes from a seriously damaged car, attracts our attention through the smoke. Although the car turned over on the ground, the lights are still bright in the mist and point out the right direction for TOP.
  The car lights seems to represent their constant “initial feeling and passion”(초심) -- even the shape is damaged, the spiritual power exists.
  In front of the car there is a fallen mailbox, while TOP is singing “I still have an unfinished dialogue with her”, symbolize that they want to get touch with their goddess “Muse” again and find out their “initial feeling and passion”(초심).
  The overturned burning shopping cart shows their determination to say goodbye to the utilitarian, secular commercial model of music-making industry, which only provide cheap, mass-produced, and valueless commodity (pop songs) to the public.
  Although they still face many difficulties-- “no response, no expression”, but they believe “Muse” must hide behind clouds like stars in the sky.
  (GD) close your eyes feel your breath into your dreams
  Now I smile and breathe together with you
  Time please stop and let me be with her forever
  Winds please stop and this is the last letter I send to you
  -- Well, as the sign “Kostel p. Marie” appears, from now on the picture began to mirror reversal. G-Dragon recalls all inspirations and sweet memories “Muse” has given to him, and then reaffirms BIGBANG’s “initial feeling and passion”(초심).
  Here, “time stop” doesn’t mean death, but hints G-Dragon want to keep this moment of state and live with his “Muse” forever (so he no longer fears lack of inspiration, no longer has to post letter to her. .)
  (SOL) I hate this love song and will never sing it again
  I will let you go, forget you and never remember again
  (VI) I hate this love song, sing it with a smile
  Now I won’t let you feel lonely any more
  Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh - hoo
  -- Although they repeatedly contradict and hesitate, victory’s lyric shows men’s final choice. Then they walk together to the place where they start this journey, accomplish a time circle and find their “initial feeling and passion”(초심) finally.
  At last, a car suddenly fell down from the sky in front of BIGBANG, which is an echo to the car lights guided TOP before, and it’s also the direction which “Kostel p. Marie” point at. In The bible, meteorites are “signs” God give to mankind: “ The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky... ”(Revelation 8:10)
  In this video, mv director change meteorites to a car -- probably this is a “sign” God give to BIGBANG in digital age…Finally, the car explosion = universe explosion =BIGBANG.
  This scene seems to symbolize the destruction of old world, and BIGBANG will bring a brand new world to us.
  Someone feels G-Dragon looks like the hero of this MV, I agree. In my opinion, this MV is telling the story about the relationship between BIGBANG and their “Muse”, GD is their team leader and responsible for creation, so he looks like the hero in most aspects of this story.

cr:: 豆瓣音乐

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